Sunday, November 20, 2005

before i settle in for the night

Ohhhh dear. Quel jour...we had our SLUgS symposium today and it was an excellent affair. I fear I was not of any help, except for hunting in Dwinelle for an ice chest, but am I ever that useful anyway...It was such a fun time though, and I was so impressed at how many faculty and grad students stayed for the whole day or at least much after their own talks. We even got a few faculty that weren't even presenting that stayed for a while. It was just fun to be in the company of my linguofriends and my favorite gsis the whole day. It was just like Academic Decathlon...
I had the Klinton for the weekend too; it was too short of a visit but we had fun. And he fixed my internet! Now that my network is password-protected it's a lot faster! Thank you techie boyfriend.
I have a new research idea. I want to really figure out what my dialect is =) Everyone says I sound Canadian, Klinton says I just overarticulate everything and don't use the tap as much as other American English speakers because of my crazy prescriptivist mother...I have some features of Californian English, and a few of Canadian English, but I wonder if it's all just to do with my mom, who would never let me say "button" with the glottal stop or "butter" with the tap. But I think my vowels come from my Canadian would be cool to record myself and see where listeners think I am from. I really just want to study Californian English because I want to understand the features of the dialect that surrounds me; being surrounded by it makes it hard to understand what those features are when that is what I grew up with. (There's some different stuff going on in Cowtown English, though...)
Now I must settle in and resume my Sunday all-nighter...I'm getting tired of this pattern.


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