Friday, November 25, 2005

It happened again!!

It's deja vu all over again, it's that day where it suddenly dawns on me that no, not everything is okay, and yes, you have been deluding yourself up until now, because your final projects are DUE IN THREE WEEKS and YOU HAVE NOTHING!!! I was worried about it before, but all of a sudden it just popped into my head that not only do I have the enormous enormous 110 project due in three weeks, but I have a presentation and another enormous paper due in the meantime. And research. And another paper after the 110 project. Mother of God. I need some major help.

Here is my advice to you all: don't take 130 and 110 at the same time!! If you do after you have seen my demise, I will not be liable in any way, shape, or form. God, how much I want to drop out of school and become a dog breeder. Or a security guard, like Gary Coleman. Anything but this.


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