Monday, January 16, 2006

a long overdue hello

Hello to all my friends! I hope everyone had a wonderful and restful Christmas break.

I wish to apologize to everyone for my lack of ability to answer the phone/check voicemail/check email/check facebook for the numerous messages that were left by friends trying to contact me. I felt like I was in a different land and I completely forgot about time and practicalities, and then found nine bazillion messages. Klinton and I were trying to do so many things in our time off, including a linguistics conference, but I miss everyone and I feel bad for not getting back to everyone and for not getting to hang out with Geoffrey, who was in SD during the time I was freaking there. And I didn't return my grandma's phone calls either...I've definitely moved down a couple of notches on the favorite grandchild scale. :(

On the up side, however, I have returned to Berkeley with many wonderful acquisitions:
1) a freaking iPod nano! I have needed one for so long. It is the answer to all of my life's problems.
2) a new freaking computer! It is also the answer to all of my life's problems. It is a) really fast, b) completely silent (sorry roommate) and c) way lighter than the old one!
3) a Palm Pilot! It's just the little simple one, but it kind of looks like an iPod, and it does everything that I need it to.
4) my mom gave me a beautiful beaded velvety shawl. I'm not sure how to wear it yet, but when I figure it out it will be FABULOUS!
5) a messenger bag! so I can be cool like everyone else. Klinton got tired of looking at my dirty old backpack that I've had since freshman year, and convinced my mom to buy it. It's quilted!

I was really sad to leave the Klinton again--I was there with him for such a long time that I got all used to having him with me...and then I had to turn around and leave again. But I'm happy to be home again in my Berkeley, in my tiny little bed, with my campanile, my Dwinelle, and my Cafe Intermezzo. And now that my Diet Coke supply has been replenished, I'm ready for a new semester! ;)


At 11:34 PM, Blogger Michael Jovi said...

Well, would you like to be a friend from some one in Indonesia ?

You can visit my hometown map at or just mail me at


At 2:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So that's where u've been...well, sounds like you had a really good break. I miss linguistics and that Cafe on the corner - forgot the name...!

At 5:22 PM, Blogger X said...

Welcome back my diet coke friend!

At 9:59 PM, Blogger MM said...

Yay!! I can't wait to see everybody again!!! We must have coffee!!

At 3:26 PM, Blogger Alan said...

Don't you just love getting new technology? Welcome to the iPod cult =)

At 9:37 PM, Blogger siobhan said...

I'm sorry dearest moop! I love u!

At 5:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Palm pilots rock. I'll hook you up with all the sweet games.

At 8:32 PM, Blogger siobhan said...

Geoffrey, you forget that the only game I have ever been able to beat was Kirby's Dream Land 1. (Kirby's Dream Land 2 presented much more of a challenge; still no success there.)


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