Thursday, December 08, 2005

why do i fail? (i can say it because i really do)

The events of today have brought clarity to my mind and have made me realize a very important thing. I have realized that I am not cut out for this academic world; I have denied my roots for too long. I come from a long line of Ukrainian gooseherders, and to these roots I must return. I suppose I'm just a simple girl at heart. Hello, village. Hello, house without electricity. Hello, making crafts for money on the side. We're going to be great friends.


At 9:35 PM, Blogger Alan said...

Chong should be made into an energy drink, I'd drink diet chong

At 9:35 PM, Blogger MM said...

My advice to you: "CHONG-IT!!!!"
Life is too short to waste it, be it on geese or books. You are smart. We only have to get through this semester, just two more weeks. We can do it with "the power of Chong".

At 9:36 PM, Blogger Alan said...

Google is remarkably dry when it comes to Ukrainian gooseherders BTW
I was looking for some hilarious images.

At 6:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Babes! Do not despair! School is meant to make you dis-spirited and self-loathsomefull! Remember our glory days of sitting around analyzing stuff? I was having your exact same thoughts last week, and I just decided, you know, fuck it. I refuse to worry. What exactly went wrong?

Goose herding could be your student job, don't u think? Beer money and stuff.

At 8:28 PM, Blogger klinton said...

as far as i can tell, you're doing wonderfully this semester, despite taking the hardest classes in the major, and doing independent research! Getting check-pluses on all your homeworks (and A's on your French papers, might I add...) in this situation certainly doesn't sound like any kind of failure I've ever heard of...

However, goose-herding sounds like it might make for a fun weekend---count me in!

At 8:29 PM, Blogger klinton said...

p.s. I think it would make for a very fun time to document the semantic changes that have been undergone by "chong" over the course of this semester.

At 9:32 PM, Blogger Alan said...

We need pie charts for that project, and some spreadsheets, but mostly pie charts...The geese can come too.


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