Monday, December 05, 2005


All of my ling peeps will agree:

How much glee do you get when you insert an IPA symbol correctly into your paper, especially the really tricky ones, like the alveolo-palatal fricatives? Aren't they beautiful? I just love looking at the perfect little symbols and rejoicing in the beauty of fonts.

Hee hee..........nerd.


At 9:38 PM, Blogger mina said...

Yes, I do agree, and yet you forget The Joy's natural companion, The Rage. You know...when you get it all perfect and then you have to print at Moffitt or Dwinelle and they don't have the SIL fonts installed and you end up with squares or something where the beautiful perfection once was.

You know. The Rage.

At 10:47 PM, Blogger Alan said...

I can save you from the rage, its called "save as PDF" I saved Margaret after she called me while having said rage. I knew right away that I had to come up with a solution before she started over-turning small sedans.

At 1:01 PM, Blogger siobhan said...

Oh dear God, I really want to see that some day. While she is tiny, she's pretty feisty, and I'll bet she could muster up enough stress right now to turn over a few cars. This mental image is hilarious.

At 1:07 PM, Blogger Alan said...

It's not car flipping that frightens me, but the her ability to do it so quickly. And yes, the feist levels are concentrated, much like fruit juice...

At 9:31 PM, Blogger MM said...

Yes, I have known the rage.


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