martha stewart and bree are my role models
Holy crap you guys: my room is so clean right now. I put my foot down and attacked the huge pile of laundry in my room and did ALL OF IT IN ONE GO and then I put ALL OF IT AWAY (which took most of one night). I even put away a pile of clean laundry that had been sitting in my room since the summer. It was tough, and I realized that I either have too many clothes or not enough storage space. Then, I decided to clear off the floor and vacuum it! I love to vacuum so much; the sound of weirdly-sized particles whirring up into the vacuum chamber gives me great amounts of pleasure, and the sight of vaccum lines on a freshly-vacuumed rug brings me such joy. I have a beautiful old Oriental rug in my room from my parents that we used to have in our old house, and I love having it, and I was so happy to make it smooth and pretty again.I had dinner with Margaret, Alan, Alex, Prathna, and Claire on Friday and among other REALLY ODD CONVERSATION TOPICS we brought up Bree from Desperate Housewives for some reason, and I proclaimed my great love for her. Everyone gasped: "Why? She drives all her men away! She's completely nuts! Her children hate her!" But I love her still: she has the most gorgeous hair known to man, and you cannot find another person on the planet so put-together. She may be a crazy bitch, but at least her bathroom sinks don't have that yellow gunky stuff around where the faucet connects to the sink basin. No one likes that. That bitch is awesome.
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