some notes to self
Dear self,1. Stop looking at wedding websites. You haven't really learned anything new from them in years (though the idea to float rose petals in bowls of water instead of paying for huge rose centerpieces was pretty sweet), and you won't be able to afford anything that they suggest anyway.
2. Though chocolate to you FEELS like a cure for general menstrual malaise, it's really nature's way of screwing you over. I really don't appreciate how nature has set up the menstrual cycle. I read in Cosmo once that you happen to be the most libidimous (I just made that up) when you are the most likely to get pregnant. Now that's just mean. At this same point in time, t1, one must face a terrible increase in moodiness and chocolate cravings, which feed each other, probably to add extra padding to help out the baby you will inevitably produce because your frenetic libidimous self couldn't help it after you watched that CVS pharmacy commercial that made you bawl. All great things for evolution's sake, but what if you're me and you just want to get through the week without crying at every country song on the radio (yes, I did) or eating an entire chocolate cake in one sitting (no, I haven't...yet)?
3. Next time I watch Brokeback Mountain I need to make sure to check my calendar first.
Yes, I speak freely about my period, because it is such an annoying part of my life that if I have to deal with it for the next thirty years, I feel like I have the right to complain about it. What, male reader, did I gross you out? Oh yeah??
eeee!! tampons!!!
I think it's libidinous.
Well...I think you're...stupid...
[runs away]
That was so funny!!
... Now I have to explain to my boss why I was laughing so hard.
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