why i hate my life
- got in a car accident, still have to pay the person I hit out of pocket for her rental car expenses
- can never seem to get to work on time, despite (the majority of the time) leaving a perfectly reasonable amount of time to get there
- San Diegans do not know how to fucking drive! The two times it rains here per year, they think it is the apocalypse! I got on a shuttle today that always gets me to work on time, and sure enough, I was twenty minutes late. It's fucking rain!
- even when on foot, I manage to delay myself by falling on my fucking head*
- every time I drive I am in fear for my life
- despite my, I think, awesome efforts at getting lessons together I still suck at getting grading done fast enough, and everyone yells at me
- my apartment looks like the police have gone threw all of my belongings looking for drugs, then decided to have a party and use said drugs for themselves
- I will be jobless again in january, and will have to perform the unfruitful job search all over again
- I think I have some torn cartilage in my knee but don't have time to go to the doctor
- I think one of my cavity fillings fell out and my tooth hurts, but have no idea when I'll ever get dental insurance
- christmas shopping
- I want a fucking pet and I'll never be able to have a cat, and can't get a dog for fucking ever
- I never have time to talk to anyone and everyone hates me for it
- it's been six months since I finished school and I still haven't managed to get rid of my thesis weight (like baby weight, only with paper)
- I never got to have the traditional backpacking around europe trip that it seems everyone else had...how is it that people find the time to just take 3 months off from life?
- have realized that I hate all my clothes now, since I haven't really bought myself clothes in three years (or, When I Found Out I Was Poor), with some exceptions
- I don't have time to read books or knit (although this problem might be solved with problem #5, above)
I'm sure there are other reasons, but that's all I can think of at this moment. (to self: shut up now, you stupid white middle-class whore.)
*Refers to my fainting episode in front of the UCSD medical center. A full story is coming soon.
Umm, go to the Dr. and have your knee looked at. You first. The world can come second.
I'm not much help with most (ok, any) of these, but here's what I can offer you:
1. I've sure as heck never backpacked through Europe, and there's no way I'll be able to even think about it until I have a real job...when I'm 30...If I'm really lucky and productive. You're not alone.
2. I like your clothes. The leopard stockings were particularly awesome.
3. I have to feed my sourdough culture twice a day, which is more maintenance than my real pets get. I can break a piece off for you to keep. It's just like a real pet, except instead of doing cute stuff or playing with you, it just sits there producing CO2 and lactic acid, and you can break off pieces of it and eat them. Try that with a dog. Oh, and if you're sick of taking care of it, you can just stick it in the refrigerator until you feel like feeding it again, and it's good as new in a few days. It's like pet cemetery, without the evil.
It's kind of a pathetic replacement, but you could get a plant or two. Mine definitely satisfy my nurturing/care-taking tendencies. Plus, if you get herbs, you can eat them!
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