Sunday, February 26, 2006

Important questions

1. Where will I be in ten years?
2. Are locational preferences inherited from your parents? Though I differ greatly from my parents (and though they differ greatly from each other) we all like to be on coasts. Why is this?
3. What will happen to me if I am not on a coast?
4. How will I obtain more Diet Coke?
5. How can I be more efficient?
6. Why does my historical ling professor know everything?
7. Will I ever realize that it really isn't that big of a deal?
8. Do the carefree people I envy actually exist?
9. Will I ever figure out how to live my life in each phase before the phase ends? Is that how you know when it is time to move on?
10. Will getting groceries ever cease to be a daunting task?
11. When will I feel like my age? Or will I be 13 in my head forever?


At 12:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm feeling very prescient, so why don't I give this a shot.
1. Burma. It will even be called Burma again at that point.
2. No, people just want to live in places like the ones they grew up in, and you grow up in places your parents like, because they get to choose.
3. You'll move
4. You will buy a place with a wine cellar, but keep mostly diet coke in it.
5. take frequent breaks
6. (S)he doesn't, only I do
7. someday
8. not in the form you see them
9. no, but you'll learn it doesn't matter
10. yes
11. never, but the age you feel will get a little older

At 7:34 PM, Blogger MM said...

For some inexplicable reason, I feel that the answer to all your questions is: LOVE.

At 12:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ditto Margaret, although the answer might possibly also be "babies."

At 1:09 PM, Blogger Alan said...

1. "No matter where you go...there you are."
2. Yes.
3. Just get a pool or some other large body of water...
4. I'm on board with the diet coke cellar
5. Start thinking about cloning...
6. She doesn't, ask her some state capitals. "Name Nebraska biotch! name IT! uhm Omaha? WRONG it's Lincoln...I OWN you" This is also a good way to flunk a class.
7. Everything is a big deal.
8. Not really, it either a carefully constructed act to cover a vast ocean of insecurity or they are just insane...take your pick.
9. Maybe if psychic's worked...
10. Oh god no. It gets fun...but daunting at the same time...
11. I dunno, I feel 43 today for some reason...


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