Sunday, April 30, 2006

attention graduate school recruiters

I just did a reconstruction problem in record time!!! It was sooo easy! Has sitting through those arduous weeks of fascinating sound changes and nit-picky details in random languages in class finally paid off? Better yet, the Armenian word was the easiest one! Armenian is crazy! I can reconstruct anything now! Submit a word to me--I will reconstruct it to Proto-Indo-European to the best of my abilities!

We're sorry, reconstructions to Proto-World cannot be done at this time.


At 9:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

but I had my heart set on proto-world.

At 1:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish that Facebook had cross-college groups - I'd say let's start one called "Proto-Indo-European word reconstruction is hotttttt!!!" Because it is. I don't think anyone here would believe me, but then again, they think cottage cheese is bad for you. Chuckle.

At 10:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

could you please give me the English cognate for "tree"?

At 2:14 AM, Blogger siobhan said...

ummm...err...are you talking about "arboreal" something or other...umm..."arbor"..."Tyrol"...ehm...

At 2:02 PM, Blogger Alan said...


do the lingusitics dance for my amusement! You know... the one where you sit in front of a computer for like 4 hours and it looks like you have headache? Or you can do the Uvular Slide, it's a dance I just made up, you move from velar /G/ to uvular /R/ back and forth really quick. (disclaimer: I know nothing of linguistics, I'm just bored with Wikipedia access)


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