Thursday, September 21, 2006

hey baby come on back to my place, cont'd.

Alright, the Sex. (New name for loud, sex-having roommate.) If I must endure hours and hours of your love-making, may I at least make some requests for some songs to be used as your cover-up music? Or at least vote against what you are using? While I, like many, find the Black Eyed Peas absolutely infectious, I can only take their fabulousness in small doses. Like once every three months. How about some nice Carla Bruni (I think you'll find her low, breathy, nearly raspy voice very sexy) or Belle and Sebastian? I'd even suggest some flamenco. But please, oh please, stay away from "Slow Jams" or "Body & Soul" or whatever that shit is that they advertise on TV late at night.


Wednesday, September 20, 2006

alarm clooooock!

Alright, alarm clock: being that your only function in my life is to wake me up on time (I have several other time-tellers to simply tell me the time, because your numbers aren't bright enough anymore), when you fail to wake me up I think that you are a worthless piece of shit! I've only had you since I came to Cal! Alarm clocks live a long time! What is wrong with you?????? I only ask you to do one thing, and you can't even do that??!?!?!?!

Yet, we all know that because I am cheap, I will continue to use the same piece of shit alarm clock for the remainder of my time here.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

i'm a talker

I tend to talk at people. I rambled at a lot of people today. I apologize for my lack of verbal skills today (see below). If I start talking at you for an unnecessarily long period of time, you can sneak away. I promise. Thank you to everyone who was so nice to me today. :)

Monday, September 18, 2006

the sadness that is my life

  • Klinton left this morning for San Diego. I'm in this weird state of denial but mixed with the fact that I now know how to deal with him being gone (sort of) because I did it last year, so it's kind of like falling into an old routine ... but I know that it's also that I'm still thinking he'll come home tonight after work. And he won't. I watched his car drive away for a long time, long after I couldn't see it, praying that it would come back and that he would console me for another hour, at least. I'm not at all mentally prepared for this. I know that it's only a short time now, and that as soon as I graduate this can all be over, but I don't know how to get through the first week of sleeping alone. The only thing that helps is this shirt I stole from him a while ago ... he had this huge shirt that I liked to wear around the house when he was still in Berkeley, and I asked him if I could have it before he first left for San Diego a year ago. It's about the only vestige of him that remains. That, and the empty tortilla chip bag in my trash can. :)

The thing that I hate about it the most is how the distance changes the way you relate to your person. It's sort of good because it forces you to not take them for granted, because you only get a few days with them, but when you do see them, nothing is normal because you're trying to frantically enjoy them as much as you possibly can. I thought the summer wasn't going to be like that, because we had three months together, but it was really like an extended version of a weekend visit, of me constantly dreading the day he would leave. That sense of urgency alters the dynamic a lot, and it isn't a bad thing; I'm just angry at the world for trying to fuck up the best thing that ever happened to me.

  • {rant} The other issue that brings me great frustration this morning is that (with one exception) no restaurant understands the concept of THE BIG SALAD. (Andréa, you will appreciate this very much. Unless I'm not remembering my Seinfeld correctly.) Intermezzo is my dream restaurant because they are the only place I've encountered that does this, and does it well. I like salad a lot. I like to eat salad every day. I like to eat salad as a meal. Now there are some restaurants that don't even try, and that's okay; they have a puny little garden salad in a styrofoam bowl with a single cherry tomato on top which is a good snack for a HAMSTER, but not worth ordering if you are a human, as I am. This is okay; I simply do not visit these types of restaurants. Of greater concern to me are the cafés like Espresso Roma that make a pretty nice café salad which is juuuuust not enough for a meal. (Note: If you have eaten with me, and if it wasn't a meal of cheesy sticks or taqueria food with Klinton, you know I don't eat a lot. So the salad has to be pretty damn small.) If you're going to make a salad that costs $7, and if it's going to be bigger than the stupid hamster side salad, why can't you make it big enough to satiate me until my next meal??? Like, you can get by on it if you eat it at like 3pm, and you're hungover, and you know you're going to eat in two hours. But you have to get other food if you're eating it as a normal meal. This drives me up walls. It pretends to be a meal, but it is not. Maybe for a really hefty hamster. But not for a sturdy girl like myself. (I hate that word: my therapist said that I had a "sturdy" frame [trying to tell me to stop comparing myself to 16 year-old Asian girls]. See also: Margaret Cho's bit on the words "hefty" and "zoftig".) {/rant}