see you in May!
Dear friends:
This is to inform you that I'm officially going into hiding from society until graduation, 12 May 2007. If you don't hear from me until then, I'm very sorry, and please know that I love you all and that it is all to blame on the thesis, or rather, the lack thereof. I wish glad tidings on you all until I reach that blessed light at the end of this dark, dark tunnel. Please pray to Thomas Aquinas for me, whom I just learned is the patron saint of scholars and academics, as well as lightning and against lightning, as it were.
Until we meet again...
can California please secede from the Union now?
I cannot believe that in the world we live in, these kinds of comments can be made at a political conference:
After all the time we spent fighting for women's rights and race equality, it sickens me to know that the exact same bigots that we fought against then are still alive and well. I used to thank God that I lived in a world where I was able to educate myself and make my own choices, and looked positively on how much progress society had made as shown through the present treatment of women. Now I fear that I have lost my former optimism, and I'm losing hope that things will eventually change, not just for the LGBT community, but for everyone. Even if we succeed in changing minds and hearts about gender and sexuality, people like this will always find a new minority to torture. I hope shame will eventually catch up to her.