Monday, November 28, 2005

icicles my fingers have become

The heater is broken in my apartment. I am wearing two long-sleeved sweaters, two pairs of pants, my giant old lady fake fur coat, Uggs, and a ski hat that has a pom pom on the top. And a scarf my grandmother knit for me.

Why is this happening? Why is this happening??!?!?!?! Why. Why. Why. Why.

Friday, November 25, 2005


One more thing: will somebody please answer one of your fifteen spam ads you got in your email box today and get me some Xanax? (Xanax is beautiful: aspirin is to headache as Xanax is to panic attack.) Just send a big bottle my way. Call it an early Christmas present. Thanks.

It happened again!!

It's deja vu all over again, it's that day where it suddenly dawns on me that no, not everything is okay, and yes, you have been deluding yourself up until now, because your final projects are DUE IN THREE WEEKS and YOU HAVE NOTHING!!! I was worried about it before, but all of a sudden it just popped into my head that not only do I have the enormous enormous 110 project due in three weeks, but I have a presentation and another enormous paper due in the meantime. And research. And another paper after the 110 project. Mother of God. I need some major help.

Here is my advice to you all: don't take 130 and 110 at the same time!! If you do after you have seen my demise, I will not be liable in any way, shape, or form. God, how much I want to drop out of school and become a dog breeder. Or a security guard, like Gary Coleman. Anything but this.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Why won't Thanksgiving be now???

I just want to go home and let my mummy take care of me. Moms make everything better. I just want to go home and sleep in my bed, my big huge bed, be all by myself in my room, eat Thanksgiving stuffing, sleep some more, watch Four Weddings and a Funeral with my mom, listen to U2, and get far far far away from school. Just one more all-nighter...gaaa.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

before i settle in for the night

Ohhhh dear. Quel jour...we had our SLUgS symposium today and it was an excellent affair. I fear I was not of any help, except for hunting in Dwinelle for an ice chest, but am I ever that useful anyway...It was such a fun time though, and I was so impressed at how many faculty and grad students stayed for the whole day or at least much after their own talks. We even got a few faculty that weren't even presenting that stayed for a while. It was just fun to be in the company of my linguofriends and my favorite gsis the whole day. It was just like Academic Decathlon...
I had the Klinton for the weekend too; it was too short of a visit but we had fun. And he fixed my internet! Now that my network is password-protected it's a lot faster! Thank you techie boyfriend.
I have a new research idea. I want to really figure out what my dialect is =) Everyone says I sound Canadian, Klinton says I just overarticulate everything and don't use the tap as much as other American English speakers because of my crazy prescriptivist mother...I have some features of Californian English, and a few of Canadian English, but I wonder if it's all just to do with my mom, who would never let me say "button" with the glottal stop or "butter" with the tap. But I think my vowels come from my Canadian would be cool to record myself and see where listeners think I am from. I really just want to study Californian English because I want to understand the features of the dialect that surrounds me; being surrounded by it makes it hard to understand what those features are when that is what I grew up with. (There's some different stuff going on in Cowtown English, though...)
Now I must settle in and resume my Sunday all-nighter...I'm getting tired of this pattern.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

my icon!

My icon came from lj user ebongray

Saturday, November 12, 2005

my brand new blog

Here I am on my new blog! I was content enough with the old one, and especially with my beautiful pink layout, so I was reluctant to move...until I found out that Blogger lets you post photos for free. And then I was convinced. And I think I found something with enough pink in it to satisfy my girly urges. As long as it:
  1. lets me post photos
  2. is pink
  3. has Verdana
I am good to go. So I am very pleased. I think I'll let the old entries hang out in their old location,
for a while, so it's all there, but I won't be posting there anymore. May this be the beginning of a blog of many incriminating photos, sexy linguistics talk, and commentary on my many foibles in life. Cheers! *raising Diet Coke*