Thursday, November 30, 2006

some notes to self

Dear self,

1. Stop looking at wedding websites. You haven't really learned anything new from them in years (though the idea to float rose petals in bowls of water instead of paying for huge rose centerpieces was pretty sweet), and you won't be able to afford anything that they suggest anyway.
2. Though chocolate to you FEELS like a cure for general menstrual malaise, it's really nature's way of screwing you over. I really don't appreciate how nature has set up the menstrual cycle. I read in Cosmo once that you happen to be the most libidimous (I just made that up) when you are the most likely to get pregnant. Now that's just mean. At this same point in time, t1, one must face a terrible increase in moodiness and chocolate cravings, which feed each other, probably to add extra padding to help out the baby you will inevitably produce because your frenetic libidimous self couldn't help it after you watched that CVS pharmacy commercial that made you bawl. All great things for evolution's sake, but what if you're me and you just want to get through the week without crying at every country song on the radio (yes, I did) or eating an entire chocolate cake in one sitting (no, I haven't...yet)?
3. Next time I watch Brokeback Mountain I need to make sure to check my calendar first.

Yes, I speak freely about my period, because it is such an annoying part of my life that if I have to deal with it for the next thirty years, I feel like I have the right to complain about it. What, male reader, did I gross you out? Oh yeah??



Sunday, November 12, 2006

martha stewart and bree are my role models

Holy crap you guys: my room is so clean right now. I put my foot down and attacked the huge pile of laundry in my room and did ALL OF IT IN ONE GO and then I put ALL OF IT AWAY (which took most of one night). I even put away a pile of clean laundry that had been sitting in my room since the summer. It was tough, and I realized that I either have too many clothes or not enough storage space. Then, I decided to clear off the floor and vacuum it! I love to vacuum so much; the sound of weirdly-sized particles whirring up into the vacuum chamber gives me great amounts of pleasure, and the sight of vaccum lines on a freshly-vacuumed rug brings me such joy. I have a beautiful old Oriental rug in my room from my parents that we used to have in our old house, and I love having it, and I was so happy to make it smooth and pretty again.

I had dinner with Margaret, Alan, Alex, Prathna, and Claire on Friday and among other REALLY ODD CONVERSATION TOPICS we brought up Bree from Desperate Housewives for some reason, and I proclaimed my great love for her. Everyone gasped: "Why? She drives all her men away! She's completely nuts! Her children hate her!" But I love her still: she has the most gorgeous hair known to man, and you cannot find another person on the planet so put-together. She may be a crazy bitch, but at least her bathroom sinks don't have that yellow gunky stuff around where the faucet connects to the sink basin. No one likes that. That bitch is awesome.

Friday, November 10, 2006


People in the department here do this thing whenever they enter either the department lounge or the phonology lab: an "are you cool?" scan. They look around the room incredibly rapidly to see if there's anyone there worth talking to, but if there isn't, they looked so quickly that there wasn't enough time to make eye contact, which would lead to awkward conversation. I do this sometimes, but I'm not fast enough, so sometimes I end up having these awkward moments.

Went into the phonology lab to return the lab key and wondered if I was the only one in there or if there was something going on in there that I was disturbing. I scanned the room and at first didn't see anyone, but then at my side I saw a person. My glasses blocked most of their face, so I thought it was another lab student, and I said, "Oh, hi..." and it ended up being a certain retired phonetician of great honor and fame. He doesn't know who the hell I am, so he had this blank look on his face of "I don't know who the hell you are" when he returned my hi.

You don't just go up to retired phoneticians of great honor and fame and say hi, like they're just any normal person!!! Especially if you've never taken a class from them!!! If the retired phonetician of great honor and fame decides to talk to you, you should count your blessings and pray that you don't say anything dumb, but you don't go and start talking to him!!!

Idiot... [Napoleon Dynamite voice]

Friday, November 03, 2006


Only 50 years left for sea fish

Earth's species feel the squeeze

I knew it was bad, but I had no idea it was this bad. I really didn't. And that's the problem : I'm a young news-reading individual that goes to fucking Berkeley and who is concerned about environmental issues and I had no idea that the threat of extinction had gotten to this point. There are hundreds of thousands of people out there who won't learn about this until the situation becomes more dire. Not enough noise is made about this problem to make the general public change its ways. It astounds me that the simple recycling I do in Berkeley is not done in most other places (at home I have yet to see a public recycling receptacle along with the trash cans). Show these articles to everyone you can!!!

[cue NBC's "The More You Know" PSA music, along with a shooting star]

Thursday, November 02, 2006

E-Prime, you are a nincompoop

Can anything else go wrong with my experiment before I even run fucking subjects???? ANYTHING? Come on, let me have it! Give me the same error message every damn time so I can't figure out what is wrong with you, you ... you ... slime! GAAAAAAAAAAAA! I am destined to another midnight session in the lab, frantically clicking buttons, and chillin' with the brain. Open my damn files!!!

However, this is awesome :

I can think of several males I know that would be proud to own this product.

Why can't I be interested in minimalism or something else that doesn't require a computer?