Sunday, April 30, 2006

attention graduate school recruiters

I just did a reconstruction problem in record time!!! It was sooo easy! Has sitting through those arduous weeks of fascinating sound changes and nit-picky details in random languages in class finally paid off? Better yet, the Armenian word was the easiest one! Armenian is crazy! I can reconstruct anything now! Submit a word to me--I will reconstruct it to Proto-Indo-European to the best of my abilities!

We're sorry, reconstructions to Proto-World cannot be done at this time.

Friday, April 28, 2006

rock gods

I realized that I really do revere U2 a little too much, too much like a deity. I was trying to figure out what to listen to on my iPod while I worked in the library and thought, "Ooh, Mates of State" but then I thought, "You should really listen to U2. They are your U2." But then I had a counterthought: "It's okay to listen to other bands. After all, U2 themselves would want you to. They would want you to expand your horizons to have other experiences with which to better experience their music." And then I laughed at myself, because they probably don't give a shit...but I want to think they do. They love their fans. And if they love their fans, then they must REALLY love me. *looks googly-eyed into the distance* *sigh*

Monday, April 24, 2006

i am not alive

For those of you who have real jobs or simply like getting up at the crack of dawn (I almost typed crack of damn...awesome), do not read this post. Really.


I had to BE ON CAMPUS at 7:55 in the freaking morning to help my roommate with a human fitness assessment class project thingy, and I was like, Sure! I was going to get up at 9:30 anyway! Yay!!! But then last night, I so intelligently decided to stay up until 4:30 to work on my 131 homework, and thought, 2 hours of sleep is good. I reset my alarms a total of 5 times because I could not believe how exhausted I was when I got up, and my housemates (luckily, not my roommate) got to hear "Vertigo" blasting from my cell phone 5 times...I should really buy them a cake or something. I hope they don't hate me. After I left the assessment, I called Klinton to whine at him and just made a lot of donkey-like whining noises at the prospect of staying on campus all day, then came here to the library. And there are actually people in here! What is everyone doing up this early? No one should be alive right now. My hours are 11:00 am - 3:00 am. I perceive this to be normal, and everyone else should too. Nothing good happens that early anyway. No one cares about sunrises or morning dew. I don't want to be up until all the fog is burned off. Why is the world functioning right now?? This is so horrible! This is going to be the worst day of my life! I want to go back to sleep...............

Random poll

Here is a random poll to anyone who's reading (for Alan, I will include lots of question marks). I have actually wondered recently how many of my friends have done or pondered or experienced the following:

  1. Did any of you read the Sweet Valley High series when you were 10? (Response probably limited to females.)
  2. What was your favorite period of your life?
  3. What was the most surreal experience you have ever had with a stranger?
  4. What was your favorite item when you were a child?
  5. Did any of you have a random music phase when you were 13? I went through a rap phase when I was 11 (I was all about Bone Thugs 'n' Harmony) and a Metallica phase at 13. Now I have a pretty mellow mix of indie rock and 80s music. I wondered if anyone else had such an extreme change.
  6. ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
I didn't have a sixth question, so I thought I'd just throw in some punctuation marks to complete the rainbow.

Damn, that didn't waste nearly enough time. What else is there to do? I really don't want to do my 131 assignment. Um, maybe I'll make a quiz on quizilla...about what though? I know:

"What Inuyasha character are you????? PICS!!!!"

Thursday, April 13, 2006

important questions, v.2

  1. Will I live until Friday???
  2. Will my Diet Dr. Pepper store last until Friday???
  3. Will I pass Professor Holland's midterm???
  4. Will all my professors beat me with sticks and flagellate me?
  5. Will I ever be in the same zip code as my boyfriend???
  6. Will U2 one day decide to...quit??????!!?!?


In somewhat related news, I am in love with Laurel. Let it be known. She saved my Ling 131-ignorant ass today.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

i am a techno GOD

The baby iPod is operational once again!!! Gone are my days of being stuck on planes next to creepy men and being forced into perfunctory conversation with them...when the white earbuds are in, no one can touch me. It lay on my desk, all alone and not working; it made me so sad to watch it collect dust. My baby is alive again :)

As much as I despise Microsoft, I do appreciate the ease of setting up auxiliary devices...I just love it when you plug in a new printer and the window pops up and asks if you would like for it to install itself...I still hate Microsoft but am at least grateful for easier use of the iPod.

i just found my destiny

Can I just say that "Total Eclipse of the Heart" by Bonnie Tyler is the most awesome song ever? I don't know how I lived 21 years without owning it. It's so incredibly overdramatic, almost stalker-like. I love the screamy vocals towards the end of the seven-minute melodrama, the vampirey organ synth, and the excessive use of cymbals. This is the best song EVER!!!

Saturday, April 01, 2006

the effects of sad bastard music

I used to think that depressed people were the only interesting ones, because they were the only ones that could really see. Conversations I have had with fellow sufferers of depression I felt were the most profound conversations I have ever had with people, that it touched on something that was so true. Then I realized that what we were probably most insightful about was discovering our own faults.

Though I don't miss those times at all, since I've been treated for anxiety and depression I feel kind of disconnected from myself sometimes, and it scares me a little that I used to feel so close to my emotions and so inside myself and now I feel quite the opposite. I suppose that while it is interesting to lose yourself in your thoughts and spend an afternoon being pensive, it is incredibly isolating. I suppose you can paint the experience of being inside those emotions for so long as being artistic, being interesting, but what it really ends up being is letting yourself be vulnerable to your inner critic. Sometimes if I haven't taken my Paxil in a few days and I listen to some good sad bastard music I get completely lost in it and I feel like I connect with those emotions in a way that I don't when I've been regularly taking the medication. I wonder if being treated for it is really losing your connection to that part of yourself, to creativity, or perhaps even putting a damper on your self. But then I come back and realize that before I was treated, I could have an occasional interesting conversation on the nature of life, but most of the time I was simply really, really depressed. And I felt so far away from the rest of the world; looking back on it I feel almost selfish for spending that much time thinking about myself, even if all of the thoughts were criticisms. Now I feel connected to others and emotionally present in a way that I never have, and I enjoy it so much, because I have never had so much of a desire to help others. I don't feel like I'm on a separate plane from my friends anymore. And that is probably closer to what is true than anything else I've experienced--being emotionally present in the situations in which you find yourself, and understanding what people say to me as they are actually said, rather than adding other bits of my neuroses on them ("I know that the professor said I was smart but I think he secretly hates me; I can see it in his eyes."). I suppose it is easy to think that experiencing your depression must be "the truth" (I don't mean this at all in a Matrix/religious sense, I mean it in the sense of an individual's truth), because it feels so powerful, but it is a chemical imbalance, and the insane ups and downs are probably simply the unfortunate effects of this, not the full experience of Life unencumbered by antidepressants.

(I still would like to see data on what percentage of musicians/artists/writers had problems with depression. Especially makers of sad bastard music.

cd request

Does anyone that reads this blog like the Cardigans (or know anyone that does)? Before you think of "Lovefool" and start laughing, their latest album, Long Gone Before Daylight, is quite delicious and I used to have it on my computer, but lost it, and I haven't ever gotten my hands on the one before that, Gran if you have any of their albums besides Life, the one I already own, please please pretty please can I borrow it?